【Industry】On Web Tension Control Unit of Winding Machines 01

【Industry】On Web Tension Control Unit of Winding Machines 01

2018-08-07 Laure Back

【Industry】On Web Tension Control Unit of Winding Machines 01

We are writing to share more information on the web tension control unit.

You may be confused by the terms as surface rewinding and center unwinding, or the open loop tension control, the torque devices. Here is the basic introduction on the mentioned terms and introduce the common tension control units, the pros and cons, as well as possible solutions to improve the effect.

The whole introduction will be written in the following orders:

     1. What is tension control and why is it important in material running?

     2. Basic knowledge on unwinding and rewinding& Tension control principles.

     3. Different tension control plans & improvements.

We will appreciate your comments and sharing with us more ideas.



1.What is tension control and why is it important in material running?


Tension control means the ability to constantly control the conveying tension of material. It is mainly used in winding machines for paper, steel, rubber and foil material , also weaving, coating, and printing machines.


 This control has to be effective at any time , including speeding up, slowing down and constant running. It is especially important when you are dealing with material that will produce much static electricity or a high speed machine that may need emergency stop when it fails at collecting waste material, slitting well or rewinding well. This tension control unit has to be effectively working at emergency stop to prevent material break. Also, good tension control unit guarantees the slitting effect: if the material is too loose, the material may jam or wrinkle; if it is too tight, it will break very often.


When we talking about tension control unit, we are referring to two major process of material running: the unwinding and the rewinding. To produce products with smooth surface and proper tightness, the tension control must be effectively working. There are two key methods to control the tension: one is to change the speed and the other is to change the torque.

There are mainly  three methods of tension control : manual, open loop and closed loop, which can also be classified as direct and indirect methods.

We will explain in details the differences of these control methods, and the working principles.

